Authentic, Aligned & Empowered Program

Build self-love & confidence. Learn about the new Empower & Rise program

About Sarah

I am an intuitive, warm and compassionate coach who truly understands the modern female experience and the challenges it can bring. I’m the creator of numerous courses, resources and programs tailored to the needs of women with the aim of empowering them to rise above limitation and create lives of authenticity and fulfilment.

I am a qualified, experienced educator, masters-level life coach and wellbeing specialist. I combine my expertise in life coaching, positive psychology, coaching psychology, mindfulness meditation and self-compassion with special interest areas such as spirituality, emotional intelligence and positive emotions to ensure clients reach their life, personal development and wellbeing goals.

I have a lot in common with my clients because I have faced many of the issues that they come to coaching with. Over the years I have been on an incredible journey of self-discovery, transformation, overcoming and becoming. This is what inspires me to help other women do the same.

I’ve been there.

Like many of my clients, I have felt more at ease with giving and caring for others than prioritising my own self-care and wellbeing. I have been a people-pleaser and have been scared to speak up and use my voice. I have settled in jobs and relationships that did not bring me joy or fulfil me. I avoided conflict and lacked the assertiveness skills to stand up for myself when I needed to. I dreaded making decisions because I did not trust myself and doubted my ability to make healthy choices.

Does this sound familiar?

What I’ve learned from coaching 100s of women over the years is that you can set the biggest, brightest goals but if you are being undermined by your inner critic, it’s very unlikely that you’ll achieve them. Much of what holds us back lies in the subconscious mind in the form of limiting beliefs.

The good news, however, is that coaching is a fantastic discipline for increasing our awareness of these inner blocks, installing new empowering beliefs and helping clients make positive change. Coaching uses the science of motivation and goal setting to help you move from a just okay present to a happier, more conscious and fulfilling future.

Empower Yourself

My Approach

My approach is client-centred and holistic. I consider the mental, emotional, physical, cultural and social factors which impact on individuals’ lives and wellbeing. I use a cognitive-behavioural and solution-focused approach to coaching and have a particular interest in emotional intelligence and helping clients to understand and harness the power of their emotions.

I have worked in educational settings, delivered workshops at corporate and community level, designed course curricula, masterclasses and workshops. I have worked with hundreds of individuals on their life and wellbeing goals and have been blessed to have helped so many achieve important, meaningful change.

It doesn’t have to be difficult.

Help is there for you.

My passion in life is to help other women to make empowered decisions, live their best lives and most of all to not settle for less than they deserve. We each get to decide what that means for us if we are brave enough to take the first step.